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2. Course
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4. Prerequisites
5. Details
6. Ts & Cs
7. Confirm



If you wish to book for West London please call 0208 841 5506 and we can book you in directly. If you wish to book for High Wycombe then please continue here.

Welcome to Passmasters High Wycombe online booking system you can book and make a payment and will automatically receive a email confirmation.

Do not book online if you are under 18 years of age call us instead

Do not book if you have not read and understand  the "highway Code" book

Do not book CBT if you cannot communicate in the  English language .

Do not book CBT if you cannot bring your actual UK photocard licence

Do not book CBT if you are unable to read a car number plate from 20 meters 

Do not book if you have not read our booking terms and conditions


We offer 2 types of CBT courses at High Wycombe 

RENEWALS EXPERIENCED RIDER  this course is designed to be completed in about 4 - 5 hours , it is is only suitable if you are renewing your CBT, if its about to expire or has expired within the last 6 months. We will need to see your old CBT certificate as proof that you have taken this course before

Under no circumstances would this experienced course suit persons that have not taken CBT before  regardless of experience , a beginner  or persons of limited ability or have never ridden on U.K roads before, or if you have passed CBT before on an auto but now wish to take it this time on a geared bike but have never ridden one. 

BEGINNER AND RUSTY RIDER, 1ST TIME  CBT   this course is for a person that has not taken CBT before perhaps a beginner or persons that have not ridden for a long time or perhaps have not ridden on U.K roads before, or if you want to use a manual but only driven auto before. Also choose this course if your previous CBT expired more than 6 months ago..

 PLEASE ENSURE YOU HAVE BOOKED THE CORRECT TYPE OF  CBT FOR YOUR ABILITY  if your not sure do not use online booking call us instead on 01494 882421


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