1. Welcome
2. Course
3. Options
4. Prerequisites
5. Details
6. Ts & Cs
7. Confirm


Welcome to our CBT online booking system

We run beginner CBT courses Monday to Friday for customers who have never done a CBT before or if your last CBT was over 2 years ago.

Our experienced CBT courses are generally on Saturday and Sunday and for customers who have a valid CBT certificate who completed their last CBT less than 2 years ago.

Please note: if you are an experienced CBT rider and cannot make it during the weekend or when CBT Experienced courses are running, you can book yourself on CBT Beginner, however, this is likely to last longer during the day.

Click on the 'next' button to view available dates....

Almost there...

You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation

Waiting for payment to complete