1. Welcome
2. Course
3. Options
4. Prerequisites
5. Details
6. Ts & Cs
7. Confirm



Welcome to Edventure Rider at Chafford Hundred. Book your CBT online on  our booking system.Chafford Hundred branch is just a 7 min walk from the train station at Chafford Hundred. After you leave the train station turn left and at the big round about turn left and follow right onto the end of the overflow car park. 

Chafford Hundred, Howard Road RM16 6YJ

Who needs to take training

Compulsory basic training (CBT) is a course you usually have to take before you ride a moped or motorcycle on the road.

The training makes sure you can ride safely on your own while you practise for your full moped or motorcycle test.

CBT is not a test that you pass or fail.

After youve completed CBT, you can ride a:

  • moped if youre 16 or over
  • motorcycle up to 125cc and with a power output of up to 11kW if youre 17 or over

You must use L plates (L or D plates in Wales).

You must pass your full moped or motorcycle test within 2 years, or you have to either take CBT again or stop riding.

You can be fined up to £1,000 and get up to 6 penalty points for riding if you do not have a valid CBT certificate.

When you do not need to take CBT

You do not have to take CBT if you:

  • want to ride a moped (up to 50cc) and you passed your car driving test before 1 February 2001
  • want to ride a motorcycle and have a full moped licence from passing a moped test since 1 December 1990
  • have a full motorcycle licence for one category and want to upgrade to another

From here you can book and pay for your CBT course and check our dates for availability.

Please select the next section to see available dates...

Almost there...

You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation

Waiting for payment to complete