Welcome to Off the Kerb online booking for RE Himalayan Ride Alton
You can book a RE Himalayan Ride Alton with us using the following screens, please click on 'Next' to select the date you are interested in.
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RE Himalayan Ride Alton
Please select your location
Off The Kerb Trail Riding
1 Curtis Road, Dorking, Surrey, RH4 1DY
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Please select the course from this list
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We have found you but we have no password set for your account. We have sent you an email to enable you to set a password, please follow the instructions in the email and then return back to this screen to enter your password.
We have found you and you already have a password set. Please enter your password below.
Terms and Conditions
Confirm details and make booking
Your booking is not yet complete. Please read the information below and then make the booking using the button at the bottom of the page.
Once you are happy with everything above please click on the 'make booking' button below. After your booking is complete you will be sent a confirmation email to the email address you have given. In the unlikely event you do not receive a confirmation email then please contact us as it is possible your booking has not been completed.
Almost there...
You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation