Agendamento Online dos Cursos e Teste para obter a Carteira de Habilitacao (Carta de Conducao) profissional para mocicletas em Londres for London
Antes de reservar um pacote de Licena Completa de Motocicleta para as categorias A, A2 ou A1, recomendamos fortemente que voc realize uma Avaliao de Licena Completa de Motocicleta. Essa avaliao inicial oferece uma viso valiosa do seu nvel de habilidade atual, permitindo que adaptemos o seu programa de treinamento de forma eficaz e aumentemos sua prontido para os testes. Uma avaliao preliminar especialmente benfica, dada a complexidade dos testes para a licena completa de motocicleta, e garante o cumprimento das diretrizes da DVSA. Essa abordagem est alinhada com o foco da DVSA em avaliar a prontido individual e garantir uma conduo segura e competente em todos os nveis.
A avaliao sem compromisso e tambm nos oferece a oportunidade de conhec-lo melhor. Para mais detalhes sobre a reserva de sua avaliao, acesse o link abaixo para agendar sua Avaliao de Licena Completa de Motocicleta:
Se voce tiver algum problema usando o nosso sistema de reservas online, por favor, nao hesite em nos contatar pelo 0203 691 8807
Full Unrestricted Motorcycle A Licence Beginner Gold Package Module 1 & 2 =6 Intensive Days Course | |
Full Unrestricted Motorcycle A Licence Beginner Gold Package Module 1 & 2 =6 Intensive Days Course Suitable for most beginner manual 125cc bike riders. £1440 (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees) Prices are all inclusive (i.e. relevant taxes, insurance, excess waiver, test fees, fuel & equipment) FREE £5 WATERPROOF CERTIFICATE/DOCUMENTS WALLET WITH EVERY BOOKING to see its features/photos click here Course includes: 6 Intensive Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A Category (DAS) Full Motorcycle Licence) To Book: Book it ONLINE or call us on 0203 691 8807 to discuss suitable dates/times *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability. | |
CBT & A1 Licence The Complete Beginner PackageModule 1 & 2 =6 Days Course £1,375 | |
CBT & A1 Full Motorcycle Licence The Complete Beginner Package Module 1 & 2 =6 Days Course Suitable for beginner riders £1375 all inclusive (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees) Prices are all inclusive (i.e. relevant taxes, insurance, excess waiver, test fees, fuel & equipment) FREE £5 WATERPROOF CERTIFICATE/DOCUMENTS WALLET WITH EVERY BOOKING to see its features/photos click here Course includes: 6 Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A1 Category Full Motorcycle Licence) To Book: Book it ONLINE or call us on 0203 691 8807 to discuss suitable dates/times *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability. | |
Full Unrestricted Motorcycle A Licence Bronze Package Module 1 & 2 =4 Intensive Days £990 | |
Full Unrestricted Motorcycle A Licence Bronze Package Module 1 & 2 =4 Intensive Days Course Suitable for most manual 125cc (or larger) bike riders. £990 (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees) Prices are all inclusive (i.e. relevant taxes, insurance, excess waiver, test fees, fuel & equipment) FREE £5 WATERPROOF CERTIFICATE/DOCUMENTS WALLET WITH EVERY BOOKING to see its features/photos click here Course includes: 4 Intensive Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A Category (DAS) Full Motorcycle Licence) To Book: Book it ONLINE or call us on 0203 691 8807 to discuss suitable dates/times *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability. | |
Restricted Motorcycle A2/A1 Licence Silver Package Module 1 & 2 =5 Intensive Days Course £1215 | |
Restricted Motorcycle A2 Licence Beginner Silver Package Module 1 & 2 =5 Intensive Days Course Suitable for most beginner manual 125cc bike riders (this licence can also be attained on a automatic A2 scooter). £1215 (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees) Prices are all inclusive (i.e. relevant taxes, insurance, excess waiver, test fees, fuel & equipment) FREE £5 WATERPROOF CERTIFICATE/DOCUMENTS WALLET WITH EVERY BOOKING to see its features/photos click here
Course includes: 5 Intensive Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A Category (DAS) Full Motorcycle Licence)
To Book: Book it ONLINE or call us on 0203 691 8807 to discuss suitable dates/times *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability.
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Restricted Motorcycle A2/A1 Licence Bronze Package Module 1 & 2 =4 Intensive Days Course £990 | |
Restricted Motorcycle A2 Licence Bronze Package Module 1 & 2 =4 Intensive Days Course Suitable for most manual 125cc (or larger) bike riders (this licence can also be attained on a automatic A2 scooter). £990 (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees) Prices are all inclusive (i.e. insurance, excess waiver, test fee, fuel & equipment) FREE £5 WATERPROOF CERTIFICATE/DOCUMENTS WALLET WITH EVERY BOOKING to see its features/photos click here Course includes: 4 Intensive Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A Category (DAS) Full Motorcycle Licence)
To Book: Book it ONLINE or call us on 0203 691 8807 to discuss suitable dates/times *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability.
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Restricted Motorcycle A2/A1 Licence Mega Package Module 1 & 2 - 3 Intensive Days Course £765 | |
Restricted Motorcycle A2/A1 Licence Mega Package Module 1 & 2 3 Intensive Days Course Suitable for experienced manual 400cc (or larger) bike riders. £725 all inclusive (includes £90.50 of Module 1 and 2 Test Fees)
Prices are all inclusive (i.e. relevant taxes, insurance, excess waiver, test fee, fuel & equipment) Course includes: 3 Intensive Days Course:
(READ MORE ABOUT A2 Category Full Motorcycle Licence) Finance: we do provide course finance through our partnership with Ideal4Finance and Speed Motors. To apply for finance, please use the following link: https://ideal4finance.com/speed *The majority of our DVSA tests have a start time between 13:00 and 15:00. Moreover, although, we strive to provide as much time between the starting time and test time this is not always possible depending on test availability. | |
DAS Mod. 1 Training - £225 | |
DAS Mod. 2 Training - £225 | |
A1/A2 Module 1 Training - £225 | |
A1/A2 Module 2 Training - £225 | |
Refresher - 4 hours - for Full Motorcycle Licence Holders - £250 | |
Course includes:
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Test Centre - Escort only |
Croydon, South London, CR0 | |
2 Ampere Way, Croydon, Greater London, CR0 4WT | |
Edgware, North West London, HA8 | |
The Hive London (Barnet FC), Camrose Avenue, Edgware, London, HA8 6AG | |
Wimbledon, South London, KT3 | |
Goals Wimbledon, Beverley Way, New Malden, KT3 4PH |
Antes de reservar seu curso, voce deve:
Estar apto a apresentar ao seu instructor um dos itens abaixo:
You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation