Further explanation of our terms and condititions
It is a requirement by the DVSA that all students at any school have at least conversational English. You must be able to demonstrate that you have understood safety information taught throughout the day.
We do not offer additional languages.
It is also a requirement that you have read and can demonstrate that you understood the Highway Code. We cannot teach this on the day. This is a primary safety issue.
If you need help to complete this booking from friends, relatives or google, please stop! It indicates that your prociency in English is not at the required level, and you risk losing your money as you are more likely to fail the tests.
Before booking your
course you must:
And either your NI number or an access code from the DVLA web site. No other documents, photocopies or evidence of entitlement can be accepted
You just need to make a payment and your course booking will be complete. Once completed you will receive your course booking confirmation